Tuesday, April 21, 2009

If not now then when? A story about the commissar and the farmer.

at times ill ask myself why not study some Torah? why not give a bit more tzedaka and ill answer myself, when i have time, when i have more money.. i will learn, i will give tzedaka, now its not possible because it's too difficult.

they tell a story, one time back in russia... the commissar, a russian official comes and asks the farmer, comrade he says to him - if you had a cow would you donate it to the kolkhoz? the collective farm?... for the cause? of course says the farmer. good answer says the commissar. and if you had a tractor would you give it to the kolkhoz? definitely yes says the farmer. good and proper answer says the commissar. and if you had a whole factory what about that? in an instant says the farmer. great! says the commissar. so says the commissar what about chickens? if you had chickens would you give those to the kolkhoz? chickens? asks the the farmer. No way, never would i give chickens! how could this be asks the commissar, the cow, the tractor, the factory you would give but mere chickens you wouldn't give? never would i give chickens says the farmers. because cows, tractors and factories are all things that i don't have so i don't mind to give them away but chickens i have!

so whats the moral of the story? many of us are willing to give away money when we'll be rich, to learn when we have time, to help a friend when we become more compassionate because all those things we don't have at the moment. The real challenge, test, and the thing which makes the difference to the world and to G-d is to give of what we do have, to give now and not to wait until tomorrow. This way G-d will not wait until tomorrow either and he will bring the Moshaich today and now and he will take us out of exile and bring us into the true and complete redemption today. Until when can we wait already?

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