Sunday, April 12, 2009

media negativity

something must be done about the bad news media conspiracy. when i read the news (almost every day) unfortunately it always depresses me. what do "news" agencies report on? deaths, crashes, war, bad accidents, crimes, all kinds of nasty occurrences. all these things are for some odd reason called news!? why do i have to know about all the nasty horrible murders happening all around the United States? I am much better off not knowing about most of them. By hearing about all these horrible events we get so desensitized and start thinking that such a world is normal, G-d forbid!
Our newspapers have to report about people giving charity not people stealing. About babies being born. About people being healed. About people making peace between each other. About people learning and growing and building a good world. This is real news the garbage that papers report on these days is yesterdays news! gone, our of here, out of sight our of mind. This is a call to all media to start reporting on reality, not insanity.


  1. This kind of news is meant to increase shares with people who have pleasure in seeing other people's misfortune. And they are a lot all over the world, nowadays. However, this contributes for a pessimistic feeling around the world and that helps the Geulah process. The media,through his evil work and without noticing it, helps God's Plan. Wicked people only yearn for salvation when they feel miserable, lost and see no way out.They must suffer and feel themselves in danger before considering repentance,if they do it at all(don't feel sorry for them, they like it that way).If you look at the pre-war situation in various countries,actually and between countries themselves, you understand that things are getting rougher. It's an imposed Redemption, as it is said in the Prophecies.

  2. i guess all helps the process of redemption but i think for the redemption to come sooner we should live as if its already here. so, enough with the bad news and in with the good news. b/c the reality is the good news, the bad is just a mirage which people want to cleave on to for some odd reason, like you mention.

  3. There is no problem with people who yearn for redemption, they found already the way of salvation. The problem is those who are against It and I think they still are the majority. They chose evil's side and the ugly crimes we see in the world today, among other things, are the result of that choice. They must be confronted with the consequences of their choice, so that they can draw back and switch sides. Evil will lose his kingdom on Earth when he has no more servants. It may happen in two ways: they die or they change their minds. To make them change their minds is the easiest way. Evil will not be ignored this time, it will be defeated. For good. That's what Redemption is about.

  4. very interesting thoughts, thank you for sharing your comments here.


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