Friday, July 10, 2009

A Fair Attempt at a Rebbe Painting

A Fair Attempt at a Rebbe Painting


  1. i did, thank G-d. what do you think? worth the paint and paper i drew it on or not? besides that its the Rebbe and he is always worth it. there is a story i heard from Rav Shusterman that there was a kid selling Rebbe pictures in the seventies in or near 770, an elderly lady came and asked how much they were, so he said a dime each or whatever they were. so she said, "so much?" so he said, "listen lady if its not worth it to you, don't buy it." so she took out her wallet and bought up all the pictures he had. later the Chassidim came up to ask the kid what happened, he told them the story, so they said to him you know who that was? it was Rebbetzin Chana, the Rebbe's mother. so i guess to her it was worth it.

  2. wow. is that a true story? thats amazing. very touching.

    does it matter what i think? after a story like that, all i can say is, if that is how u depict the rebbe, and u drew that from your heart, than it is beautiful. we all see him in a different way.


Pleasant comments only please, thank you and Moshiach Now!!!