Tuesday, August 4, 2009

He Answered With a Nod - A Miracle Story about Moshiach's Coming in 5769 or 5770.

I am surprised that I haven't seen this story published on the internet even though it has been published for almost a year now. I am sure many people will find it very interesting with all the news about Moshiach's coming in the year 5769 and 5770.

Story taken from:
Miracles And Amazing Stories In Our Times, Volume XII, Number 12

He Answered With a Nod

note: the original publication checks all stories for authenticity.

The Shabbos between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur (known as Shabbos Shuvah), the fifth day of Tishrei 5769, October 4, 2008 became even more unique after the most incredible dream of Rabbi Yosef Feldman's.

During the afternoon of that Shabbos when he dozed off, he saw in a dream a fellow Chasid, Rabbi Zev Simons OB”M who passed away along with his wife in a tragic car accident approximately eight months before.

In his dream, Zev requested a favor of Rabbi Feldman. Puzzled, Rabbi Feldman queried, but you are not alive anymore. Zev acknowledged this to be true but nevertheless, he asked Rabbi Feldman to go to Zev's house and make a Minyan there. But, Rabbi Feldman responded the house had been sold. Zev informed him that that if has not been sold yet, it is in the process. Rabbi Feldman further questioned, how he can get into the house, surely it must be locked. To which Zev replied, “don't worry, you'll be able to get in”.

Now, Rabbi Feldman had some questions of his own and proceeded to ask of Zev, “When is Moshiach coming?” and Zev's immediate response was “in approximately a year”. Rabbi Feldman asked further “and is the Rebbe Moshiach?” Zev did not answer verbally, but nodded with his head. And with that the dream ended.

The following day, Rabbi Feldman decide to go to the Simon's house and see what will transpire. As he reached the house, true to Zev's word, the door was open and there was a South African Jewish family living there. Rabbi Feldman approached the gentleman and inquired whether he was the owner of the house. The man responded that they were in the process of buying the house but at the moment the sale has not been completed.

Rabbi Feldman proceeded to tell him of this dream and the request of Zev Simons OB”M concluding with his request t fulfill Zev's wish. The man was agreeable to allow the Minyan in his home and took part in it as well.

Rabbi Feldman arranged the Minyan during which they said Kaddish, learned Mishnayos for the benefit of the departed and gave charity as well on their behalf.

During his conversation with the gentleman of the house, Rabbi Feldman was informed that these people did not know the Simon's nor of their tragedy. Yet when they had a little boy, whose Bris took place the day after the accident, by divine providence they name their son Menachem Zev.

Moshiach Now!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yes it's a true story. Zev in the dream is my brother-in-law ob"m.


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