Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Historic videos of Yidden singing Yechi to the Lubavithcher Rebbe in 770 in the early 1990's.

Historic videos of Yidden singing Yechi to the Lubavithcher Rebbe in 770 in the early 1990's. Some people probably have a hundred and one opinions on what this means or doesn't mean. But it's good to see what happened as recorded on these videos, this way most people won't claim that it never happened.

Also Mazel Tov on God-World's 100s blog post!


  1. According the the Gabbai and confidant of the Rebbe in a recent article in Mispacha magazine, he says that the Rebbe publicly criticized someone who shouted that he was the Moshiach and said "this should never happen again". I don't think the Rebbe could have made his wishes any clearer.

  2. i am not sure which article you are talking about but did you really expect them to print an article stating anything opposite of that? lol.


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