Wednesday, April 14, 2010

my thoughts on America

i am not a Rav or a great learned person or anything like that but it disturbs me to see all the anti-America, Yidden leave the US articles that I see around this part of the blogosphere.  America gets compared to Germany of the thirties and forties. I think that these are false claims, jumpings to conclusions, histaria and same old Yiddish reactionary mindset. Yes if G-d wants that the US should turn against yidden, G-d forbid then it would be so. But why would G-d want that? Do Jews know a G-d who wants to hurt them and make them suffer? G-d forbid? No, G-d is Merciful and kind to all especially his One Nation on earth. Historically I think that the argument makes no sense either. The world in the forties was a G-dless world. America is a G-d fearing country with morality ingrained in the society from its founding. I heard once from a Mashpia that the Rebbe once said, that had the Jews in Europe been involved in spreading the shevat mitvos bnei Noah the seven Noahide laws the Holocaust could or would have been prevented. When a Yid hears that the country is going to turn on him it makes him immobile, helpless, mute. This comes from centuries of tortures against the Yidden. So its natural for a Jew to feel that the world is going to collapse around him. I think that our mission now is for Jews to be strong. When a Jew opens him mouth loud and with pride the world listens. Stop with the scare tactics which hurt our nation. Inspire Jews to live live Jews and to finish off our avoda here in the US to bring the Moshiach down here into the world be poel mamash.

just thoughts from a one man who doesn't believe that reading the newspaper headlines will show you the truth of where we are holding.


  1. Underneath this blog post you have "Rabbinical leaders shocked at life sentence for Rubashkin"....
    doesn't that make you think that maybe America is not so great for the Jews???
    Just saying...

  2. Listen, we are in golus still and it is their country not ours. the court in Erets Yisroel gave a son to his non Jewish father recently, it's golus there also. It is a crooked injustice that they want to put away a father of children and a husband to rot away in jail for doing so little wrong. but i cannot say that we must run because of it. we have to fight to change it. We have to make America a G-dly place. I am hoping and praying that they will let Sholom Rubashkin go home soon.

  3. Listen, just because this is happening in America and other places doesn't mean that its a bad thing. Hashem has been prodding and poking us for some time. Do you want this to go on like this forever? I don't. Come home, we were meant to live in Eretz Yisrael. You may struggle to get here, but there is great merit in living here.

  4. Hashem is prodding us to cry out for Moshiach. There is a job to be finished here in America and a Jew who is involved in spreading Yiddishkeit who runs to Eretz Yisroel can be compared to a soldier who abandons his post. Moshiach will gather in the exiles so until he tells us to go, who says that we should go?

  5. We are crying out for Moshiach. We have been crying out for Moshiach for some time. Who's to say that crying out doesn't also include leaving your comfortable surroundings in your host country and living in the land that Hashem promised us? What means more, saying something or doing something? We need to perform the mitzvos, all action based. Why just yearn when you can do more?

    As far as the soldier analogy goes, leaving the supply depot to go work on the front lines is not abandonig his post. If Hashem permits you to go to Israel to live, then you have work to do there also. The majority of the world's Jewish population now resides in Eretz Yisrael - and there's plenty of work to do here.


Pleasant comments only please, thank you and Moshiach Now!!!