Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Secret of Chabad


The secret of Chabad chassidus, and the Torah in general, is the power of Daat:

כי אף מי שהוא חכם ונבון בגדולת אין סוף ברוך הוא, הנה אם לא יקשר דעתו ויתקע מחשבתו בחוזק ובהתמדה

For even one who is wise (by utilizing his faculty of Chochmah) and understanding (by exercising his faculty of Binah) in the greatness of the blessed Ein Sof, yet, unless he applies his Daat and fixes his thought firmly and diligently on his understanding of G-d’s greatness,

לא יוליד בנפשו יראה ואהבה אמיתית, כי אם דמיונות שוא

he will not produce in his soul true fear and love, but only vain fancies.

He will only imagine that he fears G-d and loves Him. True fear and love are attained only by way of Daat.

ועל כן הדעת הוא קיום המדות וחיותן

Thus, Daat provides the substance and vitality of the middot (and is therefore termed a “mother” of the middot, another parent side by side with Chochmah and Binah).

והוא כולל חסד וגבורה, פירוש: אהבה וענפיה ויראה וענפיה

It comprises Chesed and Gevurah; that is to say, love with those other middot that are its offshoots, and fear with its offshoots.

These emotive attribute are the catalyst for keeping the whole Torah and it's mitzvas. This is why we only heard the first two of the ten commandments. This also the only true way to G-dly experiences and enlightenment. This is why we are commanded to recite the Shema Israel at least 3 times daily, and to pray three times a day, while including all of our in-between day to day activities in this energy of cleaving to Hashem. The sages say, halevai (wish you could) ve'hitpalel kol hayom (pray the whole day). The word for praying comes from the word meaning to unite and cleave (consciously, not just in deed but with feeling) ...


  1. I must be ignorant. I thought we were to recite Shema twice a day. Where is the source for the third reciting?

  2. B"H

    Shema al ha'mitah. Even a fourth time if you count the first paragraph we recite for korbanos in the morning...

  3. We say Shema four times, but 'commanded... at least 3 times'?

  4. B"H
    just like Hashem commands us to say Shema at night and then early in the day, so too he commands us to say kriat Shema and the order of the korbanos which we have been given. Similiar to the way we make a blessing on lighting the menorah, "asher kidishanu...".


Pleasant comments only please, thank you and Moshiach Now!!!