Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Moshiach's Request


Most people know that when the Baal Shem Tov ascended on high to the spiritual chamber where Moshiach resides, the famous indication and cause of geula proclaimed was "when your wellsprings will spread forth to the farthest depths and reaches".

Few people know that the Baal Shem Tov became greatly pained and distraught, however, because Moshiach told him that he will come only when "even the laymen will make spiritual unifications like you (the Baal Shem Tov) do".

The Baal Shem Tov learned 3 segulas and 3 holy names, which helped relieve him in thinking that it will be possible for all of us average people to do and therefore attain his (the Baal Shem Tov's) spiritual status and reveal Moshiach. But, he was not allowed teach this and we were not privileged to have this information.

However, the Baal Shem Tov was very generous to give us a 'simple' way to do spiritual unifications which will BS"D cause Moshiach's arrival immediately if not sooner:

בעת תפלתך ולימודך וכל דיבור ודיבור ומוצא שפתיך תכוין לייחד שם, כי בכל אות ואות יש עולמות ונשמות ואלהות, ועולים ומתקשרים ומתייחדים זה עם זה, ואח"כ מתקשרים ומתייחדים האותיות <ונעשה> [ונעשים] תיבה ומתייחדים יחוד אמיתי באלהות, ותכלול נשמתך עמהם בכל בחינה ובחינה מהנ"ל, ומתייחדים כל העולמות כאחד ועולים, <ונעשה> [ונעשים] שמחה ותענוג גדול לאין שיעור, בהבינך בשמחת חתן וכלה בקטנות וגשמיות, וכ"ש במעלה העליונה כזאת

In english:

When you pray, learn Torah, and everything you speak about (every word that leaves your lips) have the intention to unify a holy name. Because, in every letter there is the aspect of worlds, souls, and G-dliness. These aspects rise spiritually, and connect and unite together, and afterwords the letters connect and unite. Then [they become] a word, and unite in a ultimate way with G-dliness. Also you should combine your soul with them (the letters) and all the aspects (worlds, souls, G-dliness), and all the worlds unify as one and ascend [and they become] an extraordinary joy and enjoyment without measure. When you understand the joy of a bride and groom in this world (in simple terms), and how much more so in this incredibly elevated spiritual level.

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