Thursday, October 21, 2021

Propaganda machine marches on.

I read today that the state of Israel will only be letting in people who've recovered from Covi d within the last six months or that have succomed to getting injected to come to Israel. Looks like Jews who have not given into the vaccine program or as Bill Gates called it, the final solution, are no longer considered Jewish and will not find a safe haven in Israel any more. This is obviously very reminiscent of WW2 but don't look to the people in charge as they have a thousand excuses up their sleeve as to why it's right and moral. 

My dear daughter asked me today, tati, what is in these shots that's killing people? I said excellent question. Why adults don't want to know what they are injecting themselves with is beyond me. Why are there no safety reports that come with these injections? All you get is to sign a relief of liability form. In the case you're injured, which is extremely probable, unfortunately, you're on your own. 

In school today they were discussing Co vid and such. One girl said she knows of someone who was paralyzed in his gaccanand, another debacle from taking a mixture of vaccines. This is something which was regular practice in Canada, with zero testing of course, why would you? It's like mixed Coke and Pepsi, no problem. The teacher said definitely not from the shots! Unbelievable, even according to the US government there have been almost one million serious side effects to these shots. Not to mention Guillain-BarrĂ© syndrome, which would have such an effect is rampant. The propaganda machine continues unabated.

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