Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Why Corona? A sign from Heaven.

I have been davening for a sign or a dream to help me understand what is happening to God's world and how to proceed. 

I met with a man today who told me in the name of a tzadik the reason Corona came to the world. 

People stopped serving G-d properly and instead started serving money and doctors as well as the science that doctors base themselves on. 

So Hashem repays mida kneged mida. Who are the ones that brought the destruction to the world? The rich families of the world who own almost everything. Roth**hilds, etc.

Secondly, who are the ones in the front lines of the murder machines? ( Most people don't want to hear this) Unfortunately, the doctors themselves have refused to treat patients and are the ones pushing experimental injunctions on the whole world population. 

Hashem wants our teshuva. According to my friend, he thinks the worst is over. beH. People are doing teshuva. For some reason it looks to me more goyim are aware to the agenda than yidden. Maybe just due to the population differences. 

What my friend says will have to happen now when enough people do teshuva is we'll have to rise up and kill the evil in the world. 

We should daven for the destruction of evil right away and the immediate revelation of our righteous Moshiach. 

Praying for Hashem to reveal more insights into where we are heading and how to survive the last day or days of galus. 


  1. I'm sure u haven't heard this one yet . The" Golden calf " . The people made was coins gold/silver with an ox on it . They used it as currency for trade amongst each other . Although everything was seemingly free they still had to trade with each other . Currency exchange is the agel hazhav . The currency has system to change . One way or another

    1. I don't really follow what you're saying. Why currently exchange is evil? What does it mean the currency has system to change? Please explain further.


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