Monday, October 18, 2021


 When is this galus going to break? It's become truly impossible to live anymore. How did we allow such a great deception to take over the earth? Kids are begging their parents to let them inject themselves with bioweapons so they can go bowling with their friends. People are dieing while so called doctors are refusing to treat them with well known life saving medications. So called "vaccines" give common injuries and we are not allowed to report them. The world is heading towards a sick and cruel nazi regime. It's truly a time when we look up to heaven and say Dear Tati, we have absolutely nothing to rely on besides You!!! Please have mercy and take us out of this deep dark golus! Please let Moshiach come and redeem us now!

looking forward to Nuremberg trials 2.0 here's a video about the first time around.

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