Just think of the chutzpa of the world denying God's
presence in the world. What is the one thing that proves beyond the shadow of a
doubt that God - Almighty exists? The fact that the all of the Jewish Nation
from the youngest to the oldest stood at Mount Sinai and experienced and thereby
witnessed an unprecedented Godly revelation. Each and every Jewish person who
was there was able to point with his finger and day there is God, He spoke to
me, and commanded me in the Torah and its commandments. Case closed. The event occurred.
Nothing to argue with, The Torah itself which records this event is the proof
of the events existence. The fact is if it hadn't have happened it would be
impossible to invent such a story as is known that you can invent an event that
one or a few people claim to have seen but you cannot invent one that a whole
Nation consisting of many hundreds of thousands and millions of people have experienced.
So there we have it, looking at the Torah a person could say
this is so Godly and so beyond my understanding that it’s obviously made by a
Super- Being and it does seem that way, but there is still a
small doubt that remains for perhaps whoever has written is was in fact just
way above my understanding but still not God, heaven forbid. But, when we
consider what really occurred that every one of the Jewish people actually experienced
this event and witnessed it and has been teaching it to his and her children ever
since we have to say that whomever denies the revelation at Sinai and thereby
God, is simply living in a delusion and a fog and denying the simple truth.
So let us all ponder on this turn off our television sets,
throw out the garbage from our lives and accept the One and Only truth of
Hashem's Unity.
Have a great day and tell us what you think.